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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Grreat Mid Grade Biography Series

Title: Frederick Douglas: Young Defender of Human Rights
Author: Elisabeth P Myers
Illustrator: Cathy Morrison
Publisher and/or Distributor: Patria Press
Publisher Website:
Pages: 113
ISBN: 978-1-882859-57-3
Price: $15.95
Publishing Date: Feb 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating:5 hearts

This is the thirteenth volume in Patria Press’s Young Patriots’ 8-12 series, which is the republishing of the wonderful, rescued biographies, which many of us older folks read in our libraries back in the 1950s (those light blue or orange books). This particular book presents the realities of the American slave culture in a way that communicates its horrific realities, yet does it in a tasteful manner. Frederick, a brilliant, self-educated young black man, became the abolitionists’ voice in New England. His books and lectures helped raise the level of awareness of the unrighteous plight of slave life. As a one-time teacher of troubled youth, I believe all young Americans of all colors should read to learn and understand from where today’s Black Americans come. Although a tastefully written book, there will be no doubt how terrible slave life was when children were simply commodities to be trained to a life of forced servitude. We rated it five hearts.

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