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Monday, September 3, 2007

Another Summer Gone

Dear Readers,

My sincere apologies for not posting since early June. Unfortunately, a staph virus which had attacked my new artificial knee two years ago and which we thought had died, had only lain dormant. In June it came back with a vengeance, necessitating the cutting open of the knee joint, rehab of the soft tissues (again), and hospital stays of 2.5 and 1 weeks respectively when that didn't work. We are keeping our fingers crossed. What a wasted summer!!!

Oh well, enough of my medical problems. I hope the summer was kind to our young readers. We had a fantastic Harry Potter release party where we turned our whole downtown block into a Diagon Alley experience for almost 2,000 kids and their parents. BTW, I read HP7 and found it to be less well written than the others (the center section's pace drug on forever), but it was good to come to closure.

I have read some excellent reluctant reader books this summer and will be posting reviews as soon as I find time and energy to write them up. In the meantime, what are your special needs? Are there any special problems or questions about books or reading in general? Please let me know.


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